Palm Project


Sethric the ice man 2019
Sethric the ice man 2019
Blocks of ice packed into freezer 2019
Blocks of ice packed into freezer 2019
Block ice ready for sale 2019
Block ice ready for sale 2019
Charles from Savvy Solar installing new batteries at Uluveu Nuwai Pavilion 2019
Charles from Savvy Solar installing new batteries at Uluveu Nuwai Pavilion 2019

Inverter, converter power for Sangalai School 2019
Inverter, converter power for Sangalai School 2019
Uluveu Nuwai Pavilion Ice Block Business 2019
Uluveu Nuwai Pavilion Ice Block Business 2019
First block of ice 2019
First block of ice 2019
Fossil Fuel Free Uluveu Enterprise 2019
Fossil Fuel Free Uluveu Enterprise 2019
Fossil fuel free power for Sangalai School 2019
Jack Kalangis directly after his operation 2018
Jack Kalangis directly after his operation 2018

Charlie from Savvy Solar installing solar panels at Sangalai School 2019
Charlie from Savvy Solar installing solar panels at Sangalai School 2019

David Ambong
‘Nawul’ Myme Christie 2018
‘Nabascibai’ Smith Gideon
‘Namitu, Nacacao, Niang, Navihai’ Products used by soap factory by John Akurkur 2018
‘Sunglass’ Samu Harry Dick 2018

block print workshop 2018
Getting ready to print 2018
Art Workshop 2018
David Teaching 2018
‘Fish’ John Akurkur
‘Na Mohombuburut’ Masa Yonah 2018
‘Sea Memed’ Samu Dick 2018
‘Nivu Ates’ Kalo Nagof 2018
‘Nambilele’ John Akurkur 2018
Chiefs Meeting 2018
Jack with his mum and dad. 2018
Jack Kalangis 2018
Kylie Cyrus 15 years old. 2018
Daisy 2018
Daisy, Nana and Sally 2018

Uluveu Builders Workshop 2018.
David Ambong with art students Uluveu 2018
Close up of lined and painted walls. 2016
Local concrete block added to base of building for extra hygiene. 2016
Full view of newly lined and painted walls. 2016
New louver windows to keep the dust out of the soap factory. 2016
New sign by John Akurkur. 2016
Hand painted walls by John Akurkur. 2016

Artwork on walls by John Akurkur. 2016
Refurbished kitchen area. 2016
First soap making workshop 2007
Coconut oil soap in aging phase
Cacao and coconut oil soap aging
Palm Project at Vanuatu Trade Fair 2015
Palm Project Product Range 2015
New look soap boxes
New look soap boxes
Coconut oil and niang soap
Coconut oil & cacao bean soap
New look soap boxes
Where to place the soap factory ’08
Tired builders 2010
Songi digs well at soap factory 2010
Soap factory Peaskarus village Uluveu island 2008
Richard, Alick, Bumseng and Chief Kalmet decide location of Pavilion 2012
Palm Project soap range 2010
Palm Project products 2010
Palm Project products 2010
Open Ocean water maker installed 2012
Mother & baby Avokh Island ’07
Jason, Kalo & Malterry add solar panels to saop factory 2013
The future of Vanuatu
Lunch for soap makers ’07
Soap Factory completed 2008
Palm Project range 2010
Making the door for soap factory 2008
Palm Project Range 2010
Iron sheets for soap factory 2008
Concrete floor soap factory 2008
Bamboo reinforcing for soap factory 2008
Gift packs for resorts and hotels 2010
Tom Nombong in the rafters 2008
Roof goes on the soap factory 2008
Resort and hotel range 2010
Roof goes on soap factory 2008
The men lend a hand cutting soap 2009
Roof soap factory 2008
Levelling the ground at the soap factory 2008
Frames in place 2008
Roof goes on soap factory 2008
The men lend a hand cutting soap 2009
Roof soap factory 2008
Levelling the ground at the soap factory 2008
Frames in place 2008
Walls made with split coconut logs at soap factory 2008
Splitting the logs for the walls 2008
Cutting soap 2009
Cementing the posts for soap factory 2008
Clearing the land for soap factory 2008
Drying cacao beans and tamanu seeds for processing 2010
Unloading building supplies for soap factory 2008
Everyone help process the cacao and tamanu 2009
Wood on board for soap factory 2008
Children of Peskarus, Uluveu 2007
Cutting the first block of soap 2007
Dusaley & Rolini add the fragrance to the soap 2009
Rolini thank soap makers for her help 2007
Soap display for graduation ceremony 2007
String band at celebration 2007
Speech from Province representative 2007
First 5kg block of soap made by Palm Project 2007
Pouring the first soap 2007
Women discussing the price of the oil. 2009
Making first block of soap. 2007
Womens meeting. 2009
Sail Canoe Sakau Island 2007
Opening of soap making workshop Sakau Island 2007
Wiring the first solar panels at the soap factory 2009
Sakau island 2007
Children of Peskarus 2007
The soap making crew 2007
Managers Hut Palm Project 2009
Thumbs up Pelong Village, Uluveu 2007
Wiring the lights in the soap factory ’09
Women of Lutes Village, Uluveu Island ’07
Wiring the light in the Soap Factory 2009
Meeting with elders to discuss building of soap factory 2008
Unloading supplies for Uluveu


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